Thursday, August 6, 2009

July Night Photos

The past few weeks we've been shooting portraits at night around Houston. I wanted to share several that I think are pretty cool. Not that I'm biased or anything. . .

NOTE: None of these subjects were planning on having photos taken. So don't judge their outfits or think they need wardrobe prep, hair, makeup, etc. These are hardworking, down-to-earth models just trying to catch their big break! ; ) Personal apology to poor Joe whom was excited for a night of frisbee-flying-fun--only I forgot the frisbee. But, you never leave home without your camera!!!







Conor said...

In response to Tonya's question. Yes, the gray couch is plastic. It is located with the giant (rubix cube) in Discovery Green park. An excellent venue for shooting engagement pictures.

Whitney Hardie said...

I love them! You made Joe and I actually look like models.

I think everybody looks hotter at night.

Except Mariel, she's smoking all the time!

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