Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July is Here!!!

What happens when you have a long holiday weekend and no plans? 1. Cleaning--ya not what I would've gone for, either. But that's why it made the top of the list; I have been neglecting the house. 2. Eat. 3. Decide to redo the Website! 4. Eat some more. (That's right--it was a dangerous weekend--totally living on the edge. Don't be jealous.)

Yes, we will be launching our NEW WEBSITE by the end of the week!!! So exciting--we can hardly wait. Of course, there will be some tweaking and adding over time; please don't expect perfection this early in the game! Stay tuned for the new site.

Some other noteworthy things to mention:
This week is the Bridal Show in downtown Houston. So fun! Click here for more info. http://bridalextravaganzashow.com/ I may take a megaphone so I can compete with the tux & formal wear shop across from us.
2nd big thing is it's the 10th Anniversary of my photography business this month!!! Some sort of celebration is in order. I may have to postpone until August for a party so I can pull something together. It's fun to see how far I've come since the beginning, the changes to the industry, going from all film to digital, and my growth as a photographer.

We hope everyone enjoyed the Fourth of July and has a wonderful summertime!!!

P.S. These photo booth pics are from a bridal show we attended w/Conor's sister last year when she was getting married. Found them while cleaning. Kinda funny!

C&D photo booth001

1 comment:

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

Congratulations on 10 years! That is a BIG deal. HOORAY!!! I can't wait to see your new websight...

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