Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week 9: Monkey See Monkey Do

This is the first time we've had a tie in our little contest, Project 52. I can't say we were expecting that! It proves we truly are equal partners! So, how is it that I got stuck with doing the blog entry once again?! Because: (a) you all love what I have to say, (b) Conor went to bed early and nothing had been done with the blog, (c) I am a saint, or (d) all of the above? I will give you a hint: What is the first letter of my name? That's right--I am back by popular demand and currently the better half of the "equal" partnership--we all know women are saints!

Conor decided this week's shoot would be of monkeys and we could choose any monkey in the house. There are only about 80 of them and we both happened to choose the same one! Neither one of us was willing to give up the monkey, so here you have it! His title was I'm Blue Without Dayna Sue. Since I am the author, Monkey See Monkey Do won hands down. Obviously the subject is the same, so comments as to why you like one photo over the other is very helpful for feedback. Thanks!!! Choose Shadow or Straight On and vote for Week 9.




jsilver said...

This is a tough one. I like the shadow one because it catches the monkey in "action" for lack of a better description this late at night. But I also like the head on because it add facial features-and you can tell it's the "hear no evil" part of the trio. For me it's a tie. He looks good in blue!

Conor said...

i would also like to point out that I will be gone for almost 3 days in colorado this week. therefore, i will be blue without dayna sue, for 3 days.

Brian Wilson said...

I like the shadow one best, but it was close. If there was a bit of ambient lighting from the right side to give a bit more detail to his features, it'd really be spiffy.

Tonya Mae Wilson said...

I like the shadow one better. It has a more interesting color contrast with the white circle of light amidst the blue. And I think it's more interesting to see things from a bit of an angle instead of straight on. But they really are both very cool pictures. Every time I see a monkey shirt or other monkey paraphernalia, I think of you, Dayna Sue! :)

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